Se conocieron los oferentes para la nueva obra del CPEM Nº 93 de Ruca Choroi

I hurried 200-105 dumps into the local department store 200-105 dumps to grab1 some last minute Chirsmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled2 to myself. I would 100-105 Practice Exam be in here forever and I just had so 200-105 practice test much to do. Chirsmas was beginning 200-105 practice test to become such a drag. I kinda wished that I could just sleep through Chirsmas. But Studyguidedump Studyguidedump I hurried the best I could through all the people Studyguidedump to 200-105 dumps the 200-105 dumps toy department. Once again I kind of mumbled3 Studyguidedump to myself at 200-105 dumps the prices of all these toys, and wondered Lastestexam if the 200-105 icnd2 pdf grandkids would even play whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner Lastestexam of my eye 100-105 Practice Exam I saw a little boy 100-105 Practice Exam about 5 holding a lovely doll.He kept Lastestexam touching6 her hair and he held her so gently. I could not seem to 200-105 icnd2 pdf Studyguidedump help myself. I just kept loking over at 100-105 Practice Exam the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and he 100-105 Practice Exam called his aunt by name and said, «Are you sure I don’t have enough money?» She replied a bit impatiently, 200-105 practice test «You know that 200-105 icnd2 pdf you don’t have enough 200-105 practice test Studyguidedump money for it.» The aunt 200-105 practice test told the little boy 200-105 practice test not to go anywhere that she had to go and get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. And then she left the 200-105 dumps aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. After a bit I 100-105 Practice Exam asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, 200-105 icnd2 pdf «It is the doll my sister wanted 100-105 Practice Exam so badly for Chirsmas. She just knew that Santa 200-105 icnd2 pdf would bring it. «I told him that maybe Santa was going to Lastestexam bring it 200-105 icnd2 pdf . He said, «No, Santa can’t go 200-105 dumps where my sister is…. I have to give the doll to my 100-105 Practice Exam Mama to take to her. 200-105 practice test «I 100-105 Practice Exam asked 200-105 dumps him 200-105 dumps where his siter was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and 200-105 dumps said, «She was gone to be with Jesus.

My Daddy says Lastestexam that Mamma is going Studyguidedump to have to go be with her.» My 200-105 dumps heart nearly stopped beating. Then the 100-105 Practice Exam boy looked 200-105 dumps at me again and said, «I told my Daddy to tell 200-105 dumps my Mama not 200-105 icnd2 pdf to go yet. I told him to tell her to Lastestexam wait till I got Lastestexam back from the store.» Then he asked me 200-105 dumps if i wanted Studyguidedump to see his picture. I told him Studyguidedump Studyguidedump I’d love to. He pulled out some picture he’d had 200-105 dumps taken at the front of the store. He said, «I Lastestexam want my Mama 200-105 dumps to take Lastestexam this with her so Lastestexam the dosen’t Lastestexam ever forget me. I love my Mama so very much and I 200-105 practice test wish 200-105 icnd2 pdf she 200-105 dumps dind not have to leave me.But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister.» I saw that the little boy had lowered 200-105 practice test his head and had grown so qiuet. Studyguidedump While he was not looking I reached into 200-105 icnd2 pdf my purse and pilled out a handful of bills. I asked the 200-105 dumps little boy, «Shall we count that miney one more time?» He grew excited and said, «Yes,I just know it has to be 200-105 practice test Lastestexam Studyguidedump enough.» So 200-105 dumps I slipped my money in with 200-105 practice test his and 200-105 icnd2 pdf 200-105 icnd2 pdf we began to count it . Of course it was plenty for the doll. He softly 100-105 Practice Exam said, «Thank 200-105 dumps you Jesus for giving me enough money.» Then the boy said, «I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy this doll 200-105 dumps so Mama 200-105 dumps can take it with her to give my sister. And he heard my prayer. I wanted to ask him give for enough to 200-105 practice test buy Lastestexam my Mama a white rose, Studyguidedump but I didn’t ask him, but he gave 200-105 dumps me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves 100-105 Practice Exam white rose so much. «In a few minutes the aunt 200-105 icnd2 pdf came back and I wheeled my 200-105 practice test cart away. I could not keep from thinking about 200-105 dumps 200-105 practice test 200-105 dumps the little boy as I 200-105 dumps finished my shoppong in a ttally different spirit than when I had started. And I kept remembering a 100-105 Practice Exam story I had seen in the 200-105 dumps newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing7 a little girl and the Mother was 200-105 icnd2 pdf in serious condition. The family Lastestexam was deciding on whether to remove the life support. Now surely this 200-105 dumps little 200-105 practice test boy did not 200-105 icnd2 pdf belong with that story.Two days later I read in the paper where the family had disconnected the 100-105 Practice Exam life support and the 200-105 dumps 200-105 icnd2 pdf young 200-105 icnd2 pdf woman Lastestexam had 200-105 practice test died. I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not 200-105 dumps help 200-105 dumps myself and I went out and bought Studyguidedump aome white roses Studyguidedump and 100-105 Practice Exam took them to the funeral home where the yough woman was .And there she Studyguidedump was holding a lovely white rose, the 200-105 dumps beautiful doll, and the picture of the little Lastestexam boy in the 100-105 Practice Exam store. I left there in tears, thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 second a drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

Cinco empresas interesadas en llevar adelante la obra, que tiene un plazo de ejecución de 270 días corridos. El gobernador destacó que Aluminé, Ruca Choroi y Villa Pehuenia viven un año histórico por la cantidad de obras en marcha.

El gobernador Omar Gutiérrez asistió esta mañana a la apertura de las ofertas económicas correspondientes a la licitación pública nacional Nº 06/2018 para llevar adelante la construcción del nuevo edificio y playón deportivo del CPEM Nº 93, en Ruca Choroi.

La obra -cuyo presupuesto oficial asciende a 19.663.547,16 pesos- contó con cinco empresas interesadas. El nuevo edificio demandará un plazo de ejecución de 270 días corridos y será financiado a través del Programa de Mejora de la Educación Rural-Promer II.

Gutiérrez agradeció a los oferentes por la amplia convocatoria y participación. Al mismo tiempo, sostuvo que se trata de “una escuela muy importante y querida, una escuela intercultural que genera un acto de justicia social y accesibilidad al conocimiento para más de 130 chicos”.

Destacó que “estas grandes concreciones son obras para que en el interior de la provincia nuestro pueblo pueda decir: Sí, quiero seguir viviendo en Aluminé o en Chos Malal. Tener la libertad, en la igualdad de oportunidades, de proyectar tu vida personal y familiar”.

Recordó que “fue una obra comprometida en la campaña y a la que hubo que buscarle un par de vueltas para conseguir los recursos económicos que hoy nos permiten estar acá”.

También les solicitó a las empresas que “sigan atentas a las licitaciones que se están lanzando. Tenemos un plan de obras públicas que no se detiene; les pido que respeten, propicien y cumplan con la generación de empleo y compre local”.

En este sentido, precisó algunas de las obras en Aluminé, como la construcción de un nuevo Banco Provincia de Neuquén (BPN) y un Salón de Actividades Físicas (SAF). También, indicó que se realizará en breve la licitación para la ampliación y refacción del hospital, así como un nuevo loteo para el arraigo de 280 familias y la pavimentación del primer tramo de la Ruta Provincial Nº 23.

Resaltó que “Aluminé, Ruca Choroi, Villa Pehuenia, viven un año histórico. Vamos a hacer realidad por primera vez el Mundial de Rafting, lo que nos va a permitir poner en la vidriera internacional a estas localidades, con sus ríos, respetando el medio ambiente y generando el desarrollo turístico, deportivo, económico y social, poniendo en valor la calidad de nuestras aguas”.

Por su parte, el intendente de Aluminé, Gabriel Álamo, celebró este “gran paso” para la localidad y expresó que “esta es la manera de trabajar, en conjunto con la comunidad mapuche y Educación, para que los chicos de Ruca Choroi tengan los mismos derechos y oportunidades que cualquiera”.

Agradeció al gobernador Gutiérrez por “hacer realidad algo que hasta hace algunos años veíamos muy lejano. Esta obra va a permitir que los chicos de la cuenca del Ruca Choroi y de comunidades mapuche no tengan que trasladarse hasta el pueblo a estudiar, y puedan tener ahí mismo una escuela secundaria e intercultural”.

El lonco Ricardo Peña agradeció al gobierno provincial por priorizar la obra y “trabajar arduamente para que los chicos nacidos y criados en Ruca Choroi puedan quedarse, estudiar y formar un proyecto de vida en esta localidad”. Además, comentó que en mayo del próximo año egresará la primera promoción de alumnos de la escuela.


Características del edificio

En cuanto a las características del inmueble ocupará una superficie total de 581,84 metros cuadrados, distribuidos en tres aulas, un espacio multipropósito, galería, área de Gobierno; servicios y sala de máquinas. Además del playón deportivo propiamente dicho.

El acto se desarrolló en la Sala Laffitte de Casa de Gobierno y contó con la presencia de la coordinadora ejecutiva de la Unidad Provincial de Enlace y Ejecución de Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo (Upefe), Viviana Pesek y el lonco Daniel Salazar. Además, participaron funcionarios y representantes de las empresas oferentes.

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